For employers looking for motivated and qualified candidates, female talent in particular often simply remains hidden.
Women react differently to job advertisements compared to men, and the application behavior of the two groups also differs:
- Häufig bewerben sich Frauen erst dann, wenn sie mindestens 80, wenn nicht sogar 100 Prozent der Stellenanforderungen erfüllen. (Stichwort: Confidence Gap)
- Und selbst wenn das Anforderungsprofil passt, bewerben sich Frauen immer noch viel zu selten auf diese Angebote, wie eine Studie des Kompetenzzentrums Fachkräftesicherung am Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW-Studie 2018) bestätigt
- Außerdem bewerben sich Frauen häufiger nicht auf dem Niveau ihrer Qualifikation, da sie sich unterschätzen, so ein Fazit der IW-Studie 2018.
herCAREER-Jobmatch can bridge this discrepancy in the recruiting process in many cases: The tool specifically suggests applicants with suitable qualifications – naturally m. as well as f. or d.
Jobmatching in an expanding network
herCAREER-Jobmatch contacts potential applicants on different career levels.
- With herCAREER, the leading expo for female career planning, we have been successfully networking employers and potential new employees for years.
- herCAREER has an excellent and continuously growing network of exciting personalities beyond all hierarchical levels.
- Based on this expertise we have developed herCAREER-Jobmatch. It gives employers the chance to draw the attention of suitable candidates to open job profiles, targeted and with significantly reduced wastage.
- herCAREER-Jobmatch can also be an exciting tool especially for departments with a shortage of skilled workers. The demand for talented and motivated specialists and managers is unbroken, for example in the IT environment and in the field of digitalization. herCAREER-Jobmatch also networks career changers with potential employers.
Matching with award-winning algorithms
Both sides benefit from the matching process of our tool: herCAREER-Jobmatch draws the attention of job seekers to job/role profiles which match their competence profile – companies increasingly receive applications from candidates with the required qualifications. The sometimes lengthy recruiting process can thus be streamlined. For the selection of potential employees, herCAREER-Jobmatch uses awardwinning algorithms:
- The matching procedure of herCAREER was awarded with the German Excellence Prize.
- The questionnaires are based on research-based survey techniques.
- The Matching makes job seekers aware of specific job/role profiles in the most targeted way possible – the chances of a company receiving a suitable application increase.
- Potential applicants, who are positively facing a career change, are being addressed, because they are actively looking for a job.
- This matching procedure can compress the application process – for both sides.
- The confidence gap can be minimized as matching skill levels converge. The chances of a match increase.
- Soft skills are also taken into account.
- Who matches, applies more often! This means for the applicants: More chances for a new job. For employers: More possible applications from qualified interested candidates.
10,- €/match
You pay 10,- € for each insertion that matches the profile of a candidate – regardless of whether the candidate accepts the match. The candidate will be informed about new matches via e-mail. Recruiting agencies & Headhunter pay 100,- € for each match.
The profile of herCAREER
currently 4,900 profiles in the talent pool
How herCAREER-Jobmatch works
- Sie erstellen mithilfe eines Fragebogens ein Stellenprofil. Dabei können Sie neben den gewünschten Kompetenzen auch Soft Skills nennen.
- Wir schlagen passenden Kandidat:innen Ihr Stellenprofil vor.
- Nimmt die Kandidat:in das Match an, haben Sie vollen Zugriff auf das Profil.
Create your job profile and let us match exciting candidates to it!